Potato, Broccoli and Cheddar Soup is easy to make. It is thick, creamy and comforting. Loaded with veggies and fresh chopped broccoli, along with cheddar...
This delicious chowder recipe is super popular with everyone who tries it. Kielbasa sausage and potatoes are simmered away in a cheesy creamy soup that...
This lovely creamy white chicken chili features tender pieces of chicken, white beans, green chilies and cream cheese and really just tastes amazing. Garnish...
Nothing says comfort food more than a bowl of rich and tasty French Onion Soup. The caramelized onions are perfectly combined with a flavorful broth, crusty...
Red beans and potatoes pre-cooked then stewed with fresh vegetables in a 7-quart Instant Pot®. Before serving, brown miso, yeast extract, liquid smoke,...
Serve this lovely and easy chicken tortilla soup with crushed up tortilla chips, sour cream, shredded cheese, cilantro and a squeeze of fresh lime juice...
This soup is thick and flavorful, so it can be extended with more stock, water or tomatoe juice. The soup freezes and reheats well. Sereve it with brown...
I find it so funny how the best-tasting recipe uses simple (and minimal) ingredients. No need for any fancy Nancy over here with this homemade chicken...
Easy Pasta Fagioli Soup is an Italian white bean and pasta soup made with vegetables, white beans, pancetta, and ditalini pasta. Delicious, intensely flavored...
This veggie packed stew features slices of Italian sausage, tomatoes, beans and fresh zucchini for a rich and hearty stew that is perfect for dinner any...
Chupe is the Peruvian national dish, and may be made of any and everything, so long as it holds its relationship to soup. Shrimp is my favorite seafood,...
Tender chunks of beef, carrots, potatoes and barley are combined in this super flavorful beef stew recipe. A perfect recipe for a chilly autumn or winter...
This simple and easy beef stew recipe is our families go-to recipe for a warm and hearty stew full of tender beef, carrots, onions, potatoes and celery...
This stew is made using a blend of rice called "ancient grains" consisting of brown rice, pearled wheat berries, red rice, and wild rice. It is fast to...
Filled with chicken and green chilies this easy to make soup tastes fantastic when you top individual servings with a little fresh cilantro or green onion,...
adapted from Gordon Ramsey's Home Cooking cookbook, page 127. There are four recipes that use these meatballs. All are delicious, quick, and easy. I always...
A salsa inspired from the Spanish cold soup of Andalucia, Spain. It is great served with many types of fajitas, enchiladas, burritos and tacos. It can...
This soup will definitely stick to your ribs and serves as a perfect first course or entree. Creamy rich with a little peppery heat, and simply loaded...
If you like a baked potato with everything on it then you are going to LOVE this soup. This creamy soup has it all...bacon, potatoes, sour cream, chives,...
This veggie packed stew features slices of Italian sausage, tomatoes, beans and fresh zucchini for a rich and hearty stew that is perfect for dinner any...
Leftover ham and great northern beans are the basis for this frugal and tasty soup. Serve with a side salad and some cornbread for a great dinner everyone...